As your journey through dental school comes to an end, a new chapter in your career unfolds, one where your focus shifts towards contributing back to the education of students who follow suit. The countless hours of studying, clinical practice, and hands-on experience have equipped you with a wealth of knowledge and skills. Now, it's your turn to pay it forward, mentoring and guiding aspiring dental professionals on their path to excellence. This transition marks the beginning of a fulfilling and rewarding mission to nurture future talent in the field of dentistry. Thank you in advance for your support!

Plans Offered for Graduates

Praticing Doctors

  • $300 Donation Includes:

    • One year membership

    • Access to alumni networking events/ forum

    • Access to attend the designated alumni presentation during SPEA annual session

    • Access to current SPEA members for potential job/ networking opportunities

  • On behalf of all SPEA members, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to the remarkable dentists who are graciously willing to donate to our organization. Your support not only helps us in our educational endeavors but also serves as a source of inspiration. We aspire to emulate your professionalism, expertise, and commitment to patient care as we progress in our dental education. Your $300 membership donation will not only help our organization but also reinforce our determination to become compassionate and skilled dental practitioners like yourselves. We are immensely grateful for your contributions and hope to honor your legacy by making a positive difference in the lives of our future patients.

    • Send students to SPEA Annual Session

    • Support SPEA Annual Session events

    • Support SPEA National Board Retreat

First Year Doctors

  • Your dedication, hard work, and passion for oral healthcare have brought you to this exciting stage in your career. Years of education, hands-on training, and continuous learning have equipped you with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver excellent dental services. As you embark on this new chapter, please consider supporting aspiring dentists who wish to follow in your footsteps. As a new dentist, we offer a free membership with the expetaction to contribute once working full time for 1 year. We understand that these initial years are crucial for establishing yourself. That's why we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the resources you are able to contribute during this time. We recognize that starting a new career comes with financial commitments, time investments, and personal sacrifices. Your willingness to dedicate your knowledge is deeply appreciated. Thank you for your generosity and for being a valuable asset to the SPEA Alumni Association.

    • New dental school graduates (<1 year)

    • One year membership

    • Access to alumni networking events/ forum

    • Access to attend the designated alumni presentation during SPEA annual session

    • Access to current SPEA members for potential job/ networking opportunities


  • Your dedication, hard work, and passion for oral healthcare have brought you to this exciting stage in your career. Years of education, hands-on training, and continuous learning have equipped you with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver excellent dental services. As you embark on this new chapter, please consider supporting aspiring dentists who wish to follow in your footsteps. As a dental resident, we offer a free membership with the expetaction to contribute once working full time for 1 year. We understand that these initial years are crucial for establishing yourself. That's why we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the resources you are able to contribute during this time. We recognize that srjoining a dental residency program comes with financial commitments, time investments, and personal sacrifices. Your willingness to dedicate your knowledge is deeply appreciated. Thank you for your generosity and for being a valuable asset to the SPEA Alumni Association.

    • Incoming or current dental residents

    • One year membership

    • Access to alumni networking events/ forum

    • Access to attend the designated alumni presentation during SPEA annual session

    • Access to current SPEA members for potential job/ networking opportunities

Ready to Join?

For Dental Students

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